Concrete Building Materials Strong Tie 15/32 In Plywood Panel Sheathing Clip/HLM Gauge Plywood Panel Sheathing Clip Edge Clips (H-clips)
Plywood Panel Sheathing Clip
Also referred to as H-clips and panel edge clips, plywood clips are small metal brackets that are placedbetween the unsupported edges of plywood sheathing so it can effectively reduce the support spacing. ltelps stiffen the plywood. These clips are inserted over the edges of the adiacent plywood panels to heleduce deflection of the panel edaes between the framing members. lt's usualy used for roof sheathinoThe plywood clips are inserted by hand and are done in conjunction with the installation of the sheathingMaterial: Galvanized sheet and customize
Surface treatment: Galvan
izing/Zinc plated and customize